速報APP / 教育 / SearchLeaf Cross-Referencing Thesaurus

SearchLeaf Cross-Referencing Thesaurus



檔案大小:13.4 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.4 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


SearchLeaf Cross-Referencing Thesaurus(圖1)-速報App

SearchLeaf is a new word reference tool—similar to a thesaurus—that does more to help you find the right word than any other! By entering two words instead of just one, you can take advantage of our unique multi-entry feature. Using our patented technology, and a large database of words, we select a few that are most likely to connect with the word you’re searching for!

SearchLeaf Cross-Referencing Thesaurus(圖2)-速報App

SearchLeaf was designed and created by students, for students! How often have you been stuck writing just not knowing quite what word to use? Exactly. Us too! That’s why we created SearchLeaf! It has helped improve countless papers so far, and we look forward to continuing to grow and expand.

SearchLeaf Cross-Referencing Thesaurus(圖3)-速報App

Since Searchleaf is new, we’re still figuring everything out. If you have any feedback, let us know!

SearchLeaf Cross-Referencing Thesaurus(圖4)-速報App

As of now, we’ve got some great features to help you find the right word. If you’re not sure what a specific word means, tap on the connection to view more information such as the part of speech, the definition, and SearchLeaf’s WordTrees, which show each res​ult word and how it's related to each search entry, helping you understand the logic behind the result!
